Our terms and conditions are fair, direct and open.
1. What we stand for
We treat all living beings with love and respect and assume that others treat us the same way. In by far all the experience we have with people, this is true, as the past 30 years have shown. Very, very sometimes we are disappointed in this and we let it slip away and do not want to be influenced by this negative energy.
2. Who we are and how to reach us
Hi, we are Sanne and John van Domselaar-Haans.
If you want to speak to us, you can do so in the following ways:
Call us: 050 535 25 30
Email us: info@praktijkzeon.nl
Write to us: ZEON, Kerkstraat 46, 9745 CK Groningen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com / ZEONoergezondelifestyle/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com /company /zeon-therapy-&- training-te-groningen/
3. Availability
For individual appointments we are available on weekdays during the day from 10.00 to 18.00. In consultation, we are willing to meet in the evenings or possibly at the weekend, for which we charge a surcharge.
You can make training appointments and the same applies to these as to individual appointments. For groups, we apply the times indicated on the relevant web page.
4. The offer
We are always open and honest about our fees and what we offer in return. The most important thing for us is that we support and guide you in a pleasant and enjoyable way. When you are satisfied, so can we.
5. The agreement
If you follow a therapy, training or workshop with us, you can rest assured that we will handle your data with great care, so that you can register with us with confidence.
Also, all information you tell us verbally remains with us and is not disclosed to anyone else.
6. When it doesn't work
Should our counselling not work for any reason, just let us know and we will find a solution that works for both of us. We see money as a medium of exchange and therefore feel that the ‘exchange’ we make with you should be in line with the service we give to you.
7. What we expect from you after an application
We expect you to take yourself seriously and treat yourself and us lovingly. This means that you are present on time at the appointment you made and that you keep your payment agreement. That way, we are and remain super motivated to fully commit to you.
8. Signing out after an application
Should you realise after registration that you have been too quick in your enthusiasm, it is no problem to unsubscribe. However, we think it is fair that you take us into account and that this means that you cancel in time. We think a reasonable period is 24 hours in advance for an individual or relationship appointment or 7 days for a training or workshop. This also gives us the opportunity to reallocate our time or how your cancellation will affect a group.
9. Course material training, workshop or otherwise
In consultation with ZEON, you may obtain permission to share information from the course material with others or to make it public by means of print, photocopy, microfilm or otherwise.
10. Complaints
Do you have a complaint? We find that really annoying. We would really like to resolve it with you as quickly as possible, so that you are inconvenienced as little as possible.
Please let us know quickly if you have a complaint and describe your problem as clearly as possible. Also describe what solution would be appropriate for you to reasonably solve the problem. Then we can help you best.
You will receive a reply from us within 5 working days at the latest. We will help you immediately, or you will be told how much time we need to put things right.
11. Finally
This is it. Our general terms and conditions. If we make any future changes to these terms and conditions, you will find them on our website. In any case, we make sure that any changes are not detrimental to you.